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Turfco CR-8

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: September 2024


Ex demonstration – The CR-8 is perfect for sports fields when you need more capacity without using a larger tractor. New larger capacity 2.0 yd3 self-cleaning, galvanized hopper easily spreads wet or dry material, including sand, lime, compost, soil conditioners and grass clippings. New hydraulic controls, combined with WideSpin Technology, give greater control and wider range of applications to deliver your most accurate spread from light to heavy, wet to dry, and up to 45-feet wide. Reduce the number of passes and decrease traffic with edge-to-edge applications.
Drive topdressing down into the turf canopy by adjusting the spinner angle, minimizing the need for brushing and eliminating variations in moisture content (spreads the same wet or dry).
Four-wheel dual walking beam suspension for low psi.



About The Dealer

Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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