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John Deere 7200A

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: May 2024


7200A tees, surrounds and ornamental lawns triple cylinder/reel mower. with Control Passcode-protected TechControl display enables quickly setting or changing mowing speed, turning speed, or transport speed to limit variations in performance by different operators. 21.2hp 3cylinder diesel engine, QA7 units with 8 blade cylinder/reels, turf conditioners and rear roller power brushes, spiral grooved front roller, LED lights, canopy, JD Link Modem. GRIP all-wheel drive traction system, width of cut 68″-72″, ability to put either L/H or R/H front unit further out by 14″ from the tyre wall for edging but keeping the power unit as far away as possible from eg a bunker edge. Picture is for indication only.



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Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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