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Timberwolf TW 230 VTR Petrol Wood Chipper

Russells, North Yorkshire


Listed: May 2024


Timberwolf’s petrol-powered TW 230VTR has been redesigned to ensure the machine remains perfectly balanced despite the addition of the lighter Briggs & Stratton Vanguard V Twin petrol engine and improved ventilation ensures the engine bay is kept cool during operation.

In addition, the exhaust system sits within the chassis to offer better protection from impacts when travelling over rough ground, and a patent pending exhaust diffuser has been introduced which reduces exhaust gas temperatures by up to 170°C.

Operator safety and comfort is a priority, with an ergonomic ride on platform, low centre of gravity and WolfTrack® two-speed smooth running tracks. The variable track width and the easily removable hopper helps the TW 230VTR get through the narrowest of site access points with ease.

  • Briggs & Stratton Vanguard V Twin Petrol engine
  • WolfTrack® Variable Width, Dual Speed Tracking System
  • 5 tonnes/hour throughput
  • Ergonomic ride on platform
  • Quad force rollers
  • 280° adjustable discharge
  • Average chip size 18mm


Forestry & Hedging

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Old Malton, Malton

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