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Yamaha Umx 2ac

Tuckwells, Suffolk

£11,000.00 +vat

Listed: November 2023


Used ex demo yamaha umx electric utility vehicle. roof and front screen. turf tyres fitted. large aluminum tipping cargo box with opening tailgate. front underhood storage tub. quiet, smooth and easy to drive. powerful 5kw motor. great battery range. easy to charge from a 230v power source.

stock code: b1072955



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Great Meade, Pump Lane, Framfield, East Sussex, TN22 5RN

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We have taken the decision to withdraw the messaging function between buyers and sellers so all initial dealings must be over the phone, which we believe will deter most scammers. We advise that no money exchange hands until you have either : a) Viewed the item in-person, b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item or c) Received further images of the item

Telephone: 01728 628325

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