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Greentek HMB186Y

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: November 2023


Demonstrator Unit – With its massive 5.4m (18’) working width the Multi-Brush can disperse the dew and worm casts off all the fairways on an 18 hole golf course in two hours! And its three independently floating heads with unique double-jointed lift arms enable it to flow over undulations like nothing else can. Brushing the dew off your turf daily has a double benefit. Not only do the players appreciate a dew-free surface, but it also helps prevent fungal disease such as fusarium. Then you can follow straight over with your fairway mower, leaving an evenly dispersed cut without clumps of wet clippings everywhere. And at the touch of a lever, the Multi-Brush effortlessly transforms itself into a supremely effective 1.8m topdressing brush.



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Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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