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AVANT 220 mini loader

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: October 2023


New – Super compact multi-functional loader Avant 200 series complete with 850MM FORK AND 900MM BUCKET, this series is an amazingly powerful and versatile compact loader considering its small size. The basic ideology with the articulated design and hydraulic 4×4 transmission is the same as in bigger Avant’s. Easy access to driver’s seat, ample space for operator, logical and easy-to-use controls and excellent visibility to the working area guarantee efficient operation. The Avant quick attach system for attachments and hydraulic multi-connector are standard features as well. The 200 series is especially strong in driving attachments with its max 42 l/min hydraulics flow. The wide Avant attachment range allows working all year round – be it earthmoving, lawn mowing, digging, load handling, snow removal, etc. 200 series is much more than a ride-on lawn mower, compact tractor or a quad bike.



About The Dealer

Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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We have taken the decision to withdraw the messaging function between buyers and sellers so all initial dealings must be over the phone, which we believe will deter most scammers. We advise that no money exchange hands until you have either : a) Viewed the item in-person, b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item or c) Received further images of the item

Telephone: 0808 164 7700

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