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Horsch LEEB PT280

Oliver Agriculture Ltd, Bedfordshire


Listed: September 2023


1626 spray hours / 5314 engine hours / 68977 ha, Two sets of wheels, 2017, MTU S6 285hp T4 engine, Muller Comfort ISOBUS terminal, Four wheeled steering, Wheel track 2.25m, 50 km/hr transmission, Michelin Spraybib 480/90R50 row crop wheels, Bridgestone VF710/70R38 flotation – only 3 seasons old, 8000 litre stainless steel tank assembly with CCS continuous cleaning, Leeb boom: 18/36 twin fold, 5 section, Leeb BoomControl Pro, Leeb BoomControl Pro Plus (twin VG booms), Extra sensors for BoomControl Pro Plus, Nozzles: Multiselect 4:1 – 4 @ 50cm, 1 @ 25cm, Section control: 12 section / 4 lines, Leeb induction hopper, GPS headland and section control via Comfort terminal using customer’s existing Trimble RTK receiver, Enable Track Leader 2, Enable Section Control, Blow out cleaning function, Front and rear beacon, Night light c/w washer jets, Fast fill 3″ port to front right of machine (stainless steel), Hydraulic GPS steering ready for Trimble, Very smart machine, one owner, very straight and tidy, kept in spray store, serviced regularly and anything that it has ever needed has been done



About The Dealer

Oliver Agriculture Ltd

Luton, Bedfordshire

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We have taken the decision to withdraw the messaging function between buyers and sellers so all initial dealings must be over the phone, which we believe will deter most scammers. We advise that no money exchange hands until you have either : a) Viewed the item in-person, b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item or c) Received further images of the item

Telephone: 01582 727111

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