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BROCK Super Till

J Brock & Sons, Essex


Listed: March 2023


The Super Till 530 is all about flexibility. It can be put to a wide range of uses, is adaptable to most ground conditions, can be operated in difficult weather conditions and because of its extra rugged construction can be used for the kind of heavy duty cultivation often necessary in UK conditions.
It comes with two rows of heavy duty 26inch discs for full chopping and mixing of stubble, two rows of adjustable depth springtines and nine heavy duty deep subsoiling legs arranged in double V formation for maximum effectiveness.

It comes with flotation depth wheels, covering the whole width of the machine, which also double for transport
It has a full width packer system with adjustable pressure control to allow operation in less favourable weather or ground conditions
It is capable of maximum tillage from Autumn cereal stubbles, through to full preparation tillage for deep till crops like maize and potato crops
Interchangeability of all components mean one machine that can be configured to your soil and crop conditions and changed as and when the need arises
Flexible construction to avoid tortional stress and ensure longevity of components
8 flotation wheels provide full width ground support to avoid headland rutting and give a full spectrum of different consolidation options
Can run with some sections completely removed for a lighter and faster operation
Full horsepower utilisation for larger operations

Stock Code: Super Till 530


Tillage Equipment

About The Dealer

J Brock & Sons

Cutlers Green, Thaxted

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Telephone: +44 (0)1371 830353

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