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BROCK Packer System

J Brock & Sons, Essex


Listed: March 2023


BROCK Packer System suitable for retro-fitting to other manufacturers machines, 700mm diameter options include wide steel press ring (115mm width), narrow steel press ring (75mm width), soil packer ring (80mm width), tyre options include 10.0/75X15.3 & 31/15.5X15, adaptable ring / tyre spacing, can be used in single or double press applications, optional rotational quick release scraper bar for easy clearing of soil & trash, enquire for more details

Stock Code: 11007102



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J Brock & Sons

Cutlers Green, Thaxted

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We have taken the decision to withdraw the messaging function between buyers and sellers so all initial dealings must be over the phone, which we believe will deter most scammers. We advise that no money exchange hands until you have either : a) Viewed the item in-person, b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item or c) Received further images of the item

Telephone: +44 (0)1371 830353

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