How technology is transforming pig housing

Investment in new building technology holds the key to reduced emissions, increased productivity and greater livestock welfare. Inefficient ventilation is detrimental to pig performance. Variable ventilation systems can help to

How technology is transforming pig housing

Investment in new building technology holds the key to reduced emissions, increased productivity and greater livestock welfare.

Inefficient ventilation is detrimental to pig performance. Variable ventilation systems can help to provide optimum living conditions for animals. An efficient ventilation system draws fresh air into a building and removes stale air containing microbes, dust, harmful gases and water vapour.

A well-ventilated building can significantly reduce the spread of disease among livestock. Systems that can react dynamically to key internal and external indicators, to optimise conditions, will provide the best possible environment for growth and welfare.

Optimum ventilation in higher welfare pig units is the key to minimising the impact of seasonal temperature changes throughout the growth and finishing stages. Both low and high temperatures just 2 or 3 degrees outside of the LCT/UCT can compromise daily liveweight gain and feed efficiency. Keeping growing pigs within guideline temp ranges will lead to better feed intake, more efficient FCR (feed conversion ratio), fewer incidences of respiratory disease, and therefore a more productive finishing cycle.

Modern side curtain systems, such as the Galebreaker Variable Ventilation System (VVS), make use of high tech, engineered fabrics to allow maximum weather protection whilst allowing natural ventilation and light transmission into the building. Fully automated control systems allow the building to constantly
adapt to provide optimum conditions within. The flexible, modular design of Galebreaker VVS makes it ideal for both new-build, and converted rearing and finishing units.

The latest Galebreaker iSeries technology allows for the remote control of building systems, giving users the ability to monitor and tweak building conditions from their smartphone or tablet device. Multiple buildings and devices including VVS side curtains, fans and lighting can be monitored and controlled remotely for maximum productivity wherever you are. Crucially, R&D budget has been dedicated to iSeries development to ensure the continued ‘plug and play’ nature of the system – futureproofing customers’ investment in years to come.

One farmer, who is already seeing the combined benefits of the iSeries and VVS, says: “The new VentLogic iSeries app controller is extremely precise. It allows for the fine-tuning of temperatures and everything can be tailored to suit how we want the building to work. The flexibility of having ventilation control in your pocket is essential when away from the farm – even before getting out of bed you can see exactly what the weather is doing and what actions you need to take to provide a comfortable, productive environment for the pigs.”

As government regulations regarding ammonia levels grow nearer, and scrutiny of farm conditions and animal welfare increase, smart technology-enabled ventilation systems are a crucial component of sustainable livestock management.

Contact Galebreaker directly to learn more about optimising your pig buildings

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