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Contractor 19 event cancelled

It is with deep regret that the NAAC has had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Contractor 2019 event on 12 December at the East of England showground.

It is with deep regret that the NAAC has had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Contractor 2019 event on 12 December at the East of England showground.

A perfect storm of a general election, uncertainty in the industry and unprecedented bad weather this autumn has left insufficient numbers of contractors able to commit to the event this year.

The weather, in particular, has left many contractors struggling with delayed work and trying to get on the land. We fully understand that their businesses must take priority and have therefore had to take decision to cancel the event to avoid speakers and exhibitors committing time and finance for what could be a very a limited audience.

The Association will now consider how to move the event forward in 2020.

Commenting, Duncan Russell NAAC CEO said, ‘Huge uncertainty in the industry and an election are already putting contractors under pressure and the very wet autumn has compounded the problem. As a result, we are in the unusual situation, this late in the year, that contractors are still struggling to get on with autumn work. As an Association we will now focus on supporting our membership and looking towards future opportunities for our sector as a new era of farming unravels.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, speakers and exhibitors for their support’.

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