Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about FarmAds? Read our FAQs, including how to sell, what media you can use and why we encourage phone calls.

How do I start selling?

Click here to create your account, where we’ll gather from you the details we need to automatically set up your account.

Account setup is instant – as soon as you have completed the above form, click “place an advert” in the top-right corner and choose to place an advert online.

Whilst placing your advert, keep an eye out for the option to feature your advert in Farmers Guide and/or Fruit & Vine magazine. You will find these options on step three.

Once you have filled out the details that follow, congratulations! You are now a FarmAds seller.

I’m a dealer, do I need to pay?

We have two standard account options for dealers; Dealer and Dealer Automated. A Dealer account starts at £49.50/m and automation costs £250/m. This gives you flexibility between a simple, manual account or an automated feed direct from your own website.

View our current dealers to help decide which account is best for you.

Contact us if you need further advice. Our helpful team are looking forward to your contact.

How do I easily list my advert online and in the magazine?

The easiest way is to create your advert online as normal.

During step three, you have tick box options to list your advert in the next issue of Farmers Guide and our sister magazine, Fruit & Vine. Select these boxes and your advert will automatically be pulled through to our magazine team, to feature in the next available issue of either or both magazines.

Can I upload photos to my advert?

On step two of three when creating a listing, you can select one or multiple photos to include with your advert.

The maximum file size for a photo on is 8MB. Once chosen, the first photo shown as a preview will appear in the magazine advert if you choose to list your advert in the magazine.

Can I edit my advert after it has gone live?

In your account dashboard, select “my adverts” on the left-hand navigation or “view my adverts” on the right-hand side under statistics to take you to this page.

Each of your adverts has an “options” button on the right-hand side, which you have a number of options to choose from, one of those being “edit”, which reopens the advert creation form with your advert details included.

Resubmit the form with your alterations to send your changes live to the website.

Why must I call sellers instead of using email or WhatsApp?

It is important to remain vigilant to potential online scammers; the safest way is to call the other party and have a proper conversation about the item. In our experience, this method deters the majority of scammers.

We would recommend meeting the seller in-person if you can and continue using calls to speak until the item has arrived and you are satisfied with your purchase.

Is it risky to exchange money without the item being viewed properly by the buyer?

We advise that no money exchange hands until the buyer has either:

a) Viewed the item in-person

b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item

c) Received further images of the item.

If you are offered an over-payment and then asked to return money, it is a SCAM.

If the person insists they can only continue negotiations through email for whatever reason or insists on sending you a cheque or bank transfer without much interest in inspecting the goods, it is very likely they could be a fraud.

Let us know here about any suspicious enquiries you receive.

What is a featured advert?

A featured advert places your listing at the very top of the advert category, as well as placing the advert on our homepage featured list.

Your advert views increase on average by 300% and reaches a far higher audience than a regular advert.

On each advert you place, choose the “featured” option on step three of the advert creation form.

For adverts already created, you can select the “options” button on the right-hand side and choose the “upgrade to featured” option.

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