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John Deere 2750E Hybrid

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: August 2024


Demonstrator Unit – From the TechControl display to contour following and grass catchers, the 2750 E-Cut Hybrid excels in every discipline. With TechControl, consitency independent of the operator is without fail. Just input the settings the superintendent prefers – then watch everyone replicate same performance! With 18 degrees of steering and 37 degrees of contour following, 2750 PrecisionCut and E-Cut Hybrid Triplex Mowers ensure an even cut even on undulating terrain. Save up to 30% on fuel* and cut sound levels significantly by selecting ’Eco’ mode in TechControl. ’Eco’ mode calibrates power precisely to the job in hand. On the 2750 TechControl the Frequency Of Clip can be preset to the need of the golf course and it stays independent of the mowing speed for highest consistency. Fitted with QA5 7 blade cutting unit cylinder/reels with grooved front roller and rear roller power brushes.



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Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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