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Turfco METE-R-MATIC XL Top Dresser

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: May 2024


Ex demonstrator – The Mete-R-Matic® XL is ideal for large turf areas with 2.25 cubic yards, less reloading and transportation. Featuring a patented Chevron® belt, the Mete-R-Matic series was the first to ensure uniform application of all types of materials and varying levels of moisture content, including wet sand. Perfect for after aerification. You can consistently apply a wide variety of topdressing mixtures such as sand, organic compost, peat humus, and rye grass, as well as crumb rubbers, gypsum, lime and calcine clays. This topdresser utilizes an eco-friendly, patented ground-drive system. When you speed up, slow down or cross uneven terrain, the conveyor belt and brush automatically adjust at the same rate to provide a consistent and even application every time. No hydraulics, no pumps and no engines. Just hook up and go. The large, galvanized hopper won’t rust or flake and is easily loaded with the Turfco CR-15 or other front-end loader.



About The Dealer

Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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