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Maredo STrac 700 power unit

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: May 2024


POWER UNIT ONLY Ex demonstrator – STrac 700 features easy controls on its powerful guiding handle and a set of inter-changeable heads which all come with a working width of 65 cm. A very short turning radius means the rear wheels can adopt a variety of operating positions, while the tools connect effortlessly, cassette style. The five cartridges that make up the system are the Flex- Verticutter which scarifies to 25 mm; a Vibe-Spike aerator which relieves compaction down to 60 mm while following undulations; the FlexFrase Mower which strips the top layer to 20 mm, leaving a perfectly flat and smooth surface to overseed and which also levels off uneven areas; the VibeDisc-Seeder, a slit seeder which can dose seed from 0 to -15 mm at as low as 2 g/m ² to 15 g / m² and finally, the VibeSpike-Seeder, a dimple seeder which creates a pattern of dimples where the seeds will be placed. THIS PRICE IS FOR THE POWER UNIT ONLY



About The Dealer

Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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Telephone: 0808 164 7700

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