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Greentek Thatchaway chassis and verticut cassettes

Farol Ltd, Oxfordshire


Listed: October 2023


New – set of three chassis with verticut cassettes to suit John Deere 2750E greens triple mower, With their revolutionary Fan-Force® Tungsten tipped blades spaced at just 10mm apart, the Verticutter Cassettes will remove and vacuum up an incredible amount of thatch. They leave an impeccably groomed surface which will become increasingly smooth and fast as the thatch layer is gently reduced over a period of time. Most courses use them set between 0 – 3mm working depth. Maximum depth is 6mm.



About The Dealer

Farol Ltd

Milton Common, Oxfordshire

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We have taken the decision to withdraw the messaging function between buyers and sellers so all initial dealings must be over the phone, which we believe will deter most scammers. We advise that no money exchange hands until you have either : a) Viewed the item in-person, b) Received a short video of a walk-around the item or c) Received further images of the item

Telephone: 0808 164 7700

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